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Alleluia. I heard a voice
As Vesta Was From Latmos Hill Descending (SSAA)
Cease, Sorrows, Now (SSA)
Come, Sirrah (SSA)
Four Arms, Two Necks, One Wreathing (SSA)
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Grace My Lovely One, Fair Beauties (SSATB)
Ha Ha! This World Doth Pass
Hark All Ye Lovely Saints
Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints Above (SSATB)
In Pride Of May
Lady, Your Eye (SSATB)
No Though I Shrink Still
On the Plains (SSAA)
Sing Out This Day!
Strike It Up (SSB)
Strike It Up, Tabor (SSA)
The Nightingale (SSA)
Weelkes: Cease Sorrows Now (SAB)
Weelkes: Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints Above (SSATB a cappella)
Weelkes: In Pride of May (SSATB)
Welcome Sweet Pleasure
When David heard
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