Resultaat 1–24 van de 29 resultaten wordt getoond
Billy Joel: And So It Goes (SATB)
Billy Joel: And So It Goes (SSAA)
Billy Joel: And so it goes (TTBB)
Billy Joel: Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) – SSAA
Billy Joel: New York State of Mind (SATB)
Billy Joel: Piano Man
Billy Joel: River of Dreams (SAB)
Billy Joel: River of Dreams (SATB)
Billy Joel: River of Dreams (Showtrax)
Billy Jöel: She’s Got a Way
Billy Joël: The Longest Time (SSAA)
Billy Joel: Uptown Girl (TTBB)
Billy Joëll: The Longest Time (SATB)
Finale from Movin’ Out
Finale from Movin’out
Just the way you are
Lullaby (Goodnight My Angel)
Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)
New York State of Mind
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