Resultaat 5833–5856 van de 23974 resultaten wordt getoond
Eric Whitacre: Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine (SSATB)
Eric Whitacre: Litte Birds (Pianoaccompaniment)
Eric Whitacre: Little Birds (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Lux Aurumque (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Lux Nova (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Nox Aurumque (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Oculi Omnium (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Sing Gently (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Sleep
Eric Whitacre: Sleep My Child
Eric Whitacre: The Boy Who Laughed At Santa Clause
Eric Whitacre: The Seal Lullaby (SAB)
Eric Whitacre: The Seal Lullaby (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: This Marriage (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: Water Night (SATB)
Eric Whitacre: When David Heard (SSAATTBB a cappella)
Eric Whitacre: You Rise, I Fall (SATB)
Eric William Barnum _Thomas Hood: The Sweetheart of the Sun (SATB a Cappella)
Eric William Barnum: Dreams of Thee (SAB with opt. C Instrument)
Eric William Barnum: Jenny Kiss’d Me (SATB a Cappella)
Eric William Barnum: Lead me Home (SATB)
Eric William Barnum: Sweeter Still
Erik L.F. Contzius: Hineih Mah Tov (SATB [and solo])
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