Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Lieder For High And Medium Voice And Piano

Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Lieder for High And Medium Voice And PianoSince the 1970s, Karg-Elert’s organ, harmonium and piano music has been systematically rediscovered, but his song compositions have not yet received the same attention. Wrongly so, for his approx. 200 solo songs are first-rate compositions, written in a wealth of different forms ranging from through-composed to […]

John Lennon: A Hard Day’s Night (SATB)

John Lennon: A Hard Day's Night (SATB)

John Lennon: A Hard Day’s Night (SATB) Vijf songs uit het album A Hard Day’s Night gearrangeerd door Philip Lawson. Deze eenvoudige arrangementen maken het zingen in koren simpel en daar is Lawson precies om te doen. De eenvoud die je het klassieke repertoire zie terugkomen bij o.a. John RutterInhoud Koormuziek John Lennon: A Hard […]