John Jacob Niles: Songs of John Jacob Niles

35 songs by Kentucky-born John Jacob Niles, one of the most loved American vocal composers, whose songs are a staple of contest solo lists. 11 songs have been added for the 2015 expanded edition. Includes Gambling Songs and a collection of Niles’ Appalachian Carols, as well as a preface by and biographical notes on the […]

John Harbison: Mirabai Songs

Mirabai’s ecstatic religious poetry was written in 16th century India. When she was 27, her husband was killed in a war. Mirabai refused to die on her husband’s funeral pyre, as was the custom. Instead, she left her family compound, wrote her poems to Krishna, the Dark One, and sang and danced them in the […]

Samuel Barber: Music For Soprano and Orchestra

Contents: Knoxville: Summer of 1915 • Three Scenes from Vanessa (Do not utter a word; Must the winter come so soon?; Under the willow tree) • Andromache’s Farewell • Two Scenes from Antony and Cleopatra (Give me some music; Death of Cleopatra).

Great Art Songs of 3 Centuries

Contents: Non posso disperar (De Luca) • Lasciatemi morire! (Monteverdi) • Nymphs and Shepherds (Purcell) • Le Violette (Scarlatti) • Per la gloria d’adorarvi (Bononcini) • Dank sei Dir, Herr (Handel) • Si, tra i ceppi (Handel) • Te Deum (Handel) • Leave me, loathsome light! (Handel) • Dove sei, amato bene? (Handel) • She […]

Songs by 22 Americans – high Voice

Contents: Barber: Sure on this Shining Night – L. Bernstein: Plum Pudding – Bowles: Once a Lady Was Here – Carpenter: Serenade – Charles: O Lovely World • The Sussex Sailor – Creston: The Bird of the Wilderness – Dougherty: Love in the Dictionary • Primavera – Duke: A Piper • Loveliest of Trees – […]

Wedding Bouquet

17 celebrated wedding songs, including: Ave Maria, Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me), Devotion, I Love You Truly, One Hand, One Heart, Panis Angelicus (O Lord Most Holy), Set Me As a Seal, Wedding Prayer and more.

Bruckner: Ave Maria WAB 6 (SAATTBB)

Nach Beendigung seiner Studien bei Sechter schrieb Bruckner 1861 das „Ave Maria” und berichtet in einem Brief vom 3.10.1861: „Ich wurde zuletzt bei meinem Chor (7st. Ave Maria) großartig 2mal applaudiert”. In diesem sehr klangbetonten Satz teilt Bruckner den siebenstimmigen Chor in verschieden besetzte Klanggruppen auf und erzielt bereits harmonische Wirkungen seiner späteren Werke.